Personal Difficulties and Mental Health Issues

If you are working with an international student who is experiencing personal difficulties or mental health issues that impact their academics and/or wellbeing, there are several campus resources that offer assistance. Students can choose from various kinds of support, including counseling and mental health therapy, 24/7 crisis line, case management for off-campus referrals, groups, informal drop-ins, and online resources. If a student is very stressed, it could be helpful if you explain the options and help them navigate making an appointment. 

Campus Support Resources

  • Free 24-Hour Crisis Phone Counseling: Call 612-301-4673 or text "UMN" to 61222.
  • Student Counseling Services: Individual counseling, groups, case management, and workshops
  • Boynton Mental Health Clinic: Individual counseling, groups, and case management
  • OSA Care Program: Brief case management, support and resources including care options, food insecurity, etc.
  • Let’s Talk: Informal virtual drop-in consultations for students
  • Learn to Live: Free online programs to help with concerns such as depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, social anxiety, and substance use. Students need to enter the code “UMN” on the site to enroll.
  • Effective U: Has a number of online tutorials that help and provide skills on different help topics for students, including stress management
  • Resources for Students: The Office for Student Affairs provides this comprehensive list of resources for students, including counseling, crisis assistance, mental health, wellbeing, and much more.

International Students in Crisis

If you are concerned about an international student’s well-being or disruptive behavior, please contact the OSA Care Program. Possible behavioral indicators of more serious problems include international students who (a) do not consistently attend class, (b) are missing from normal activities, (c) exhibit disruptive behavior, or (d) appear to not be functioning well. The Care Program will help you determine next steps, including contacting ISSS staff if needed. ISSS counselors can often find a way to contact an international student and check on their welfare.

When needed, ISSS staff work closely with the OSA Care Program, SCS, Boynton Mental Health Clinic, UMPD, and Fairview University Medical Center. In addition, ISSS is represented on the University Behavioral Consultation Team and the University Community Response Team. Referrals from the academic advising community and collaboration with advisors are instrumental in assisting international students.

If you would like to consult directly with an ISSS counselor about a crisis case, please email [email protected].

Last updated: April 4, 2023