A J exchange visitor (including J-1 students and student-interns) is not eligible for program participation as a J-1 Research Scholar or Professor if they have been physically present in the United States in any J-1 or J-2 status for six months or more in the 12-month period immediately preceding the proposed DS-2019 start date, unless the participant is transferring to the University of Minnesota, or the participant’s presence in the United States was as a J-1 Short-Term Scholar. Exchange visitors who are subject to the 12-month bar are not eligible to begin a new program as a Research Scholar or Professor, until 12 months have passed since they were physically present in the U.S. on any J status. However, they are eligible to come as J-1 Short Term Scholars or on other visa types.
12 Month Bar for J-1 Student-Interns
Last updated: July 26, 2021