Guidance on Speaking with the Media

Reporters and other members of the media may reach out to international students for an interview when there is a crisis or emergency abroad or an issue that affects international students.

ISSS has created the following guidance and some issues to think about if you are contacted by a member of the media.

  • It's entirely your decision whether (or not!) you speak with a reporter.  If ISSS has asked you to participate, it is because we feel you have valuable information to contribute to the story, but there is no pressure for you to participate.
  • Consider whether you're comfortable having your name and quotes in a media story. Keep in mind that most stories are available online and could be seen in your home country. How might people in your home country react to what you say in the story?
  • You do not have to do the interview immediately. You can ask to schedule it at a later time, if that works for the reporter's deadline, so you have some time to gather your thoughts. You may also ask if the reporter will share the questions in advance so you have time to prepare, especially if you are not as comfortable with your spoken English.
  • If you don't understand a question, ask the reporter to repeat it or say it in a different way.
  • It is acceptable to tell a reporter that you don't know the answer to a question. Don't guess or make anything up. If you don't know the answer to a question, a simple "I don't know" is just fine. You could also tell the reporter that you need time to think about the answer (or find the correct information).
  • Remember that it's a reporter's job to ask tough questions. You do not have to answer every question they ask you. "I prefer not to answer that question" is fine. You can also choose to end the interview whenever you want.
  • Feel free to correct the reporter if they have inaccurate information or don't understand something.
  • Most reporters will not let you review a draft of their story, but they should allow you to review any quotes that they include from you.
  • Be careful and thoughtful in what you say, and remember that anything you say can be used in the story.
Last updated: February 1, 2023