New International Student Seminar

All new international undergraduate students are required to complete the New International Student Seminar (NISS) during their first semester at the University of Minnesota.

The NISS program is entirely online. It is an opportunity to reflect on how your experience is going at the UMN, learn about campus resources, and connect to ISSS Academic Counseling staff. NISS launches in October for students starting in Fall semester and February for students starting in Spring semester.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I get information about NISS?

ISSS will email all new undergraduate students during their first semester with instructions about NISS. You will not be allowed to register for your second semester until you have completed NISS.

How do I complete NISS?

NISS is a Canvas course. You will receive instructions and an invitation to the course during your first semester.

I had to do an online course before classes started. Why do I need to do another one?

ISSS wants you to be successful in your studies, and there is a lot of information to learn when you first arrive on campus. NISS helps you reflect on your experiences now that classes have started so you can identify and connect with helpful resources. If you did not complete the International Student Preparation Course before the start of classes, you will need to complete both before you will be able to register for your second semester of courses.

What is the deadline, and what is the NIS hold on my record?

NISS is required to be completed by the deadline, which is stated in the email you will receive. If any students do not complete the program by the deadline, they will have a NIS registration hold placed on their record. It will prevent you from any future registration.

To avoid having this registration hold put on your account, please complete the NISS program before the deadline.

If you do not complete the program by the deadline and have the “NIS” hold placed on your account, your hold will be removed within five business days of when you complete NISS.

If you have any questions, email [email protected].

Last updated: July 12, 2021